A Prayer for Peace; in Syria and Around the World

Today’s of millions of people all around the world are committing to prayer and fasting for the peace of Syria. We know that the peace of Syria has direct implications for peace in other parts of our Global Village. The stakes are high. We must be on our knees. Further, we must arise with actions …

Celtic Christianity and the Spirituality of Beer

I’m currently working on a project that draws lines of connection between St. Patrick of Ireland, Celtic Christianity and New Monasticism.  It has been a fascinating study, but when I came across this Celtic prayer I couldn’t help but pass the word.  The Celtic Christians would create “everyday prayers” that created a space to acknowledge …

Living a Life of Hope in World of Violence

In recent days, violent acts have seemed to pervade my reality.  I think of the Pakistani Governor who was killed and my friend who is currently living/serving among that population.  I think of the two people that were killed at the checkpoints between Israel and the West Bank and our friends who cross through those …