St. Patrick: More Than Green Beer & Four Leaf Clovers

There have been few historical Christian communities that have had a more significant role in shaping our community’s postures of life and mission than that of St. Patrick and the Celtic Christians.  Living as a “sent” people who were committed to rhythms of common life, this band of early Christians embodied missional-monastic community in a context …

Sitting at the Unlikely Kingdom Banquet

As I scanned the room electric with people from such vastly different backgrounds, yet interacting in such dynamic ways, I couldn’t help but seeing this as a snapshot of the Kingdom Banquet Jesus describes in Luke 14.  All having been invited because of some personal connection with someone in our community, I talked with a …

Tragic Realities in the Midst of Hope

This has been a strange week in the international life of NieuCommunities.  Within days of each other, we had two stirring incidents take place on opposite sides of the world. One of our sites is in Pretoria, South Africa.  While developing young Church leaders, our team has been diving deep into the local context, which …

When Dreams Meet Reality: Life in Intentional Community

After years of being a youth pastor, I remember the time I came home from yet another event that required endless administration, energy and resources and asked myself, “Is this what it means to be the Church?  And if so, there have to be better ways to embody the supposed life-giving, relational aspects of Jesus …

“The Neighborhood Became our Classroom” – Part 2

In my last post, I explored why we are to take seriously our role as Good News in our neighborhood.  As pilgrims participating in the Mission of God, it isn’t always about going farther around the world; more often it is about going deeper in your current context.  In order to be Good News in …