Community as Sacrament: Part 1

A couple months ago I was sitting in the living room of one of the families apart of NieuCommunities here in Golden Hill listening to Rob Yackley describe the three values that shape much of the life and mission we seek to live into each day: Communion, Community and Commissioned.  Using the three circles to illustrate …

Sometimes Good News Looks, Um…Weird.

This past week, one of the guys in our community noticed there was a San Diego wide Turkey Trot going down on Thanksgiving morning. It was then that he rallied our community in instigating our own neighborhood Turkey Trot clad in ridiculous outfits, homemade numbers and tons of laughs. Overnight we had 20 people participate …

I’ll Bet You Won’t Guess #1 Way to Build Immune System

  As the flu season approaches, we are going to hear a slough of ways we can avoid getting sick.  Use hand sanitizer…ALWAYS.  Sneeze the opposite direction of the crowds…got it.  Don’t lick the inside of a hotel bedspread…tempting, but I’ll resist.  It goes on and on and on.  But today I stumbled onto an …

Introducing “The Global Immersion Project”

Answering our (Jan and I) calling to give a voice to those that don’t have one in Israel & Palestine and our vocation of developing leaders for mission, we are thrilled to announce the launch of The Global Immersion Project.  I co-founded the organization with my good friend and fellow Kingdom cultivator, Jer Swigart.  Our …

Following Jesus Calls For Much More Than Going to Church

I recently sat with a pastor friend of mine in the Bay Area who is seeking to radically reorient the life of his faith community away from viewing the church as merely a weekly gathering and towards daily life in neighborhood.  Strikingly insightful, he said, “I have found that we can live in our neighborhoods …