Over the past few days, Ruby, our little four year old firecracker, has asked some profound and provocative questions that have both challenged and brought us much hope for the future. “Why does Jesus want us to talk to him if he never talks back to us?” “Why do we have a house to sleep …
Tag Archives: Kingdom
A Benediction of Hope
In a world currently enduring so much violence, pain and trauma, it would be easy for us, the People of God, to stick our head in the sand of discouragement. Instead, let’s pray this together: May we daily submit ourselves first and foremost to the rule and reign of Jesus, praying, “Your Kingdom come, your …
Deported: A View From the “Other” Side
I was recently sitting in a Tijuana shelter that houses men for 12 days after they have been deported from the United States. I was guiding a group of pastors and leaders from around California and Arizona who wanted to learn the human story of immigration first hand. With that goal in mind, we simply sat with …
Left Behind, Failed Peace and the Human Implications of (bad) Theology
Through my work with The Global Immersion Project, I have spent a significant amount of time over the years cultivating relationships among both Israelis and Palestinians as we partner together in cultivating a narrative of reconciliation. As is often the case when we approach a people or place with the hopes of being/bringing the needed change, …
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Owning Our Role in Gentrification & the Bible
What is the role of a community of faith in a gentrified or gentrifying neighborhood? Is what we see as good actually good for the whole population of a neighborhood? How do we become aware of those issues? How do we promote a common good of both the haves and have not’s? In developing a …
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