Tag Archives: Just Peacemaking
Just Peacemaking #4: Duel(ing) Narratives
Standing on Mt. of Olives looking down over Jerusalem. Near where Jesus stood and wept over Jerusalem.
Just Peacemaking #3: A Call For Interfaith Dialog
With my friend/owner of a local pizza place in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem. In East Jerusalem where the majority of people are devout Muslims.
Just Peacemaking #2: A City In Tension
Sorry there are two parts, I got cut off in the middle! Dancing outside the Old City Walls. Pic overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem. Dome of the Rock/Temple Mount on right with the Mount of Olives right behind on horizon.
Just Peacemaking Video Series: #1
In a time of volatile relationships in the Middle East that have only worsened due to polarizing rhetoric and political posturing, I am stepping into the middle of it all with a team of Just Peacemakers led by leading Christian, Jewish and Muslim scholars/advocates. Here is a post that gives more insight into the who’s …