Power of a Common Story

About a decade ago while watching my favorite surf video, I first stumbled upon the music of Mason Jennings.  Since that day, he has become both Janny and my favorite musician.  Any of you that went to our wedding heard his song as we walked down the aisle as a newly married couple (stalker alert #1)!!

Yes, his music is REALLY good, but more powerful than that are the stories that he tells through his profound and artful lyrics.  I still haven’t seen this genre on iTunes, but I like to call his music “hopeful protest.”  He isn’t willing to simply accept “the way things are,” while as the same time he paints beautiful word pictures of real life experiences that give a snapshot into a life and future rooted in common understanding.  It is in his asking the hard questions that he forces the listener to examine and search for truth (see his song titled “Jesus are you real”).

I know I am running the risk of sounding like the roady who goes to every show, only speaks in “Mason Metaphors” and isn’t willing to wear anything other than sweat pants, but that is a risk I am willing to take (stalker alert #2)…

Couple cool recent Mason encounters:

  1. Janny and I were able to meet and have some conversation with Mason after his recent show down here in San Diego (stalker alert #3).
  2. He offered me permission to publish some of his lyrics in my book(stalker alert #4).  Below is the first sneak peek inside Teaching Through the Art of Storytelling!  This passage ends with the lyrics from one of Mason’s songs.  Enjoy!

Excerpt from Pgs 59 & 60…

Standing in an ocean of people I’ve never seen before, I felt a connection.  This was the place where each of our personal stories connected and became one story, if only for a few glorious hours. Most of us stood on the floor looking up at Mason Jennings, a poet-activist-folk musician . . . and our favorite storyteller. Based on the responses of those around me, it seemed that each of us felt like he was telling our story. Of course, many of us were interested in different things, and some of us had very different moral and spiritual convictions. But for now, in this place, we were able to put that aside to be a part of something bigger.

This was not a “Christian” concert or rally but rather a kind of conversation.  Yet in this place, there was a sense of oneness. The lyrical sharing of lives and the stories that made up each of them was very real. And I could sense God here. God may not have been thrilled with what many in the crowd were doing (based on some the aromas I smelled from time to time), but that didn’t keep God from showing up in a real way.

Standing with my wife and a group of friends, I was blown away while listening to our voices singing songs in unison that asked profound, raw questions and called for change in the here and now. These songs looked at the parallel between the characteristics of Jesus and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We were engaging in a message communicated through a beautiful, rhythmic medium that prompted many voices to rise together:

“Dr. King, I think often of you and the love that you learned from Jesus.

Alabama, Alabama . . . Bethlehem.

Dr. King, I think often of you and the love that you learned from Jesus.

Up ahead we have a mighty task, love the face behind hatred’s mask, on the day we understand our     past, God Almighty we’ll be free at last.

Alabama, Alabama . . . Bethlehem.”



Thanks for coming by my new blog!  Please take a look around.  As you probably have immediately noticed, I did not create this site.  Seeing as I am still figuring out how to write a text message, this site was designed and built by the good folks at Creative Fuel Studios.  Even though I have a degree is Business, I am often put off by marketing and branding experts as I feel they sometimes approach communication with ulterior motives.  This has not been the case with Creative Fuel as they seek to promote/enhance the mission and heart of their clients, not their personal pocket book.

Here is what to expect from this blog:

  • Honest thoughts and stories relating to a life pursuing/embodying God’s Redemptive Mission in all humanity (i.e. Missional Church and/or Missional living)
  • Practical resources, tutorials and videos relating to the content of my book: Teaching Through the Art of Storytelling
  • “A Walk Around The World” – God’s Kingdom has been made evident in my life through the faces and stories of those outside of my limited worldview.  Reflecting on my international travel as pilgrimage, I will highlight formative experiences from cities/countries around the globe.

Off With the Old and In With the New

Boy oh boy…so this writing vacation extended a bit more than a month:) But there is a reason! A few things have happened in the past couple months (which we have posted @ http://thehuckins.blogspot.com/):

  • We had our baby Ruby!
  • Moved into our new place in Golden Hill
  • Started class back at Fuller Seminary
  • Taught at the National Youth Workers Convention
  • Diving deep into our new role within NieuCommunities
  • Had lots of time with family after Ruby’s arrival

And…thanks to the good folks at Creative Fuel Studio’s have been working on launching a new blog/website. The crew @ Creative Fuel did amazing work and I am stoked to launch this baby in the next week or so. Check out their website as they are top notch in the areas of social media, branding, web-design and marketing (and much more).

Keep an eye peeled for the new site!

Writing Vacation

I love to write. I find it a great medium for introspection and processing. Further, I believe it is helpful for me to do some of that writing in community (i.e. blogging, etc…) as it often stimulates a dialog that draws attention to mutual experiences/insights.

With that said, writing isn’t beneficial to me when I write out of obligation or if it keeps me from putting my full attention towards something more important. As you probably know, Janny and I are in the middle of a move, raising funds as missionaries, nearing the end of a long pregnancy, I am continuing my Master’s work, REALLY close to publishing a book that has taken ALOT of attention, meeting/getting to know our new co-workers/community and prepping for a few speaking engagements. All great stuff and I am loving it, but it doesn’t leave much time for thoughtful writing!

Because my life is currently so far from a vacation, over the next month I will take a writing vacation. I will probably not post on my personal blog, youth specialties blog or write any articles for the monthly youth specialties publication. I’m looking forward getting back into a rhythm of life that will allow me to write a bit more, but for now, please follow along with the latest in our growing family’s life on our website/blog: North of the Border

We really want/need you walking along with us in this new endeavor!!

Some REALLY BIG News for Jon, Jan, Harry and Baby H

After a year of conversations and mutual “interviewing,” Janny and I have made the life changing decision to go on staff (as Pastors/Missionaries) with NieuCommunities, a collective within Church Resource Ministries. NieuCommunities mission: 1. develop Church leaders by offering an intensive 1-year apprenticeship (accredited by many Seminaries…including mine!) and 2. community development (what they would call “Mission”) by embodying Jesus in the often forgotten parts of society (half way homes, refugee popluation, homeless, etc…) After 6 years in youth ministry and 2 years teaching public school, we are extremely hopeful and enlivened by this new page in our story. We hope to be apart of this organization and group of people for a long time as we are inspired by their heart to live out the Church, serve the community and invite all towards God’s Kingdom.

While NieuCommunities has faith communities around the world, there is currently only one in the United States. It is centered in the neighborhood of Golden Hill, between the city of San Diego and the Mexican border. After 20+ years on the Central Coast, we will be packing our bags and moving our family (our baby girl is due September 17th!) from Santa Cruz on August 15th. There is lots to share, but I will expand on that as things more forward.

For now, we are working hard at inviting others into participation in our story and its role within God’s mission. Please check out our new blog/website that explains much more: North of the Border

We are extremely thankful for all that have chosen to support and advance our story over the years and are greatly looking forward to each relationship continuing and growing.