Constantine, Conversion and the Sales Pitch

This is an excerpt from my book, Teaching Through the Art of Storytelling, which releases in paperback today! As a direct result of these historical events, the teaching of the religious Christians took a turn in a whole new direction. In response to the clinical baptism that had become so common starting with Constantine, preachers and …

Parables and Hidden Messages

Teaching Through the Art of Storytelling releases in paperback this week!  You can pick up the paperback copy here or the Kindle version here. This is an excerpt from Chapter 2, which explores Jesus’ use of parables (Jewish Agada) as a first century Rabbi. It‘s important to remember that Jesus‘ parables sometimes contain hidden messages. …

Stories of Redemption

This is an article I recently wrote for Youth Specialties that gives a small snapshot into some the heart and content of my book Teaching Through the Art of Storytelling. For the full article, click on the link below. As I write this, I am traveling internationally seeking to build common ground between two people …

Video Book Trailer #3: The Philosophy of Storytelling

So why should we teach through story? We live a culture saturated by stories. We all live unique stories. In an environment where polarizing rhetoric often tears apart the unifying stories of humanity, teaching through story has the ability to transcend the rhetoric and invite others into God’s Story. Further, storytelling creates a medium for …

The Science of Storytelling

Teaching through the art of storytelling creates a medium for the listening mind to activate in a linear, flowing manner. Before I go on, I must offer that every brain is created and works differently. As such, I’ll speak to general trends and information on the brain and its workings in relation to learning. (Also, …