How I’m Related to The Man in Black

I am planning on continuing my thoughts/story from the last post, but am throwing in a quick infomercial. Yesterday I was assigned a developmental editor for my book. This is the person who steers the content of my work in the same direction. If my writing were a river, he makes sure it leads to …

The Red Can

I’m kind of a scrooge when it comes to the Christmas season. I won’t get into the specifics, but some of the central themes of Christmas in our culture give me more indigestion than cheer. Forgive me. One of my primary indigestion inducing locations is the shopping mall. A couple months ago I was walking …


With deadlines creeping up and expectations increasing, I stare at my computer as I attempt to offer my limited wisdom and experience through the medium of writing. I am brought to my knees: May your kingdom come, your will be done. May your dream unfold today and may I participate with you in bringing about …