This past Sunday, our community spent some time wrestling with the implications of “allegiance” in light of the 4th of July holiday. It was good, hard and so, so important. As followers of Jesus and citizens of a nation-state, we have a dual allegiance to the kingdom of God and to the United States. Reality …
Author Archives: Jon Huckins
The Wall, The President and The People: Let’s Have a Conversation.
Today, President Trump will make his first visit to California since his inauguration. In fact, his motorcade is driving to the border as I type this. As we know, one of his campaign promises was to build a wall on the southern border and contractors having been submitting bids for the project ever since. There …
Continue reading “The Wall, The President and The People: Let’s Have a Conversation.”
A Few Thoughts on the Sh*thole Countries and a Response
In the midst of figuring out a road forward on DACA and comprehensive immigration reform, President Trump made a statement about countries who had the most need for support/relief in the form of the United States granting immigration status to their citizens. He called them “shithole countries.” A few thoughts: We can’t let our political …
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Women: “The Devil’s Gateway?”
Jimmy Carter recently said, “Abuse of women as the primary human rights issue in the world today.” We don’t have to look far into the global plight of women to see the truth to this statement. He goes on to say that religion (and the misuse of it) is a major contributor in perpetuating the …
Today is “A Day Without Immigrants”
Nationwide, immigrants of every ethnicity and backstory are staying home from work, school, grocery shopping, etc to highlight the contribution of immigrants to U.S. business and culture. In the face of recent rhetoric and policy, this is a critically prophetic action taken to help us remember to SEE the humanity, dignity and image of God …