Just Peacemaking #3: A Call For Interfaith Dialog

With my friend/owner of a local pizza place in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem. In East Jerusalem where the majority of people are devout Muslims.

Stories of Redemption

This is an article I recently wrote for Youth Specialties that gives a small snapshot into some the heart and content of my book Teaching Through the Art of Storytelling. For the full article, click on the link below. As I write this, I am traveling internationally seeking to build common ground between two people …

Just Peacemaking Video Series: #1

In a time of volatile relationships in the Middle East that have only worsened due to polarizing rhetoric and political posturing, I am stepping into the middle of it all with a team of Just Peacemakers led by leading Christian, Jewish and Muslim scholars/advocates. Here is a post that gives more insight into the who’s …

“The Neighborhood Became our Classroom” – Part 2

In my last post, I explored why we are to take seriously our role as Good News in our neighborhood.  As pilgrims participating in the Mission of God, it isn’t always about going farther around the world; more often it is about going deeper in your current context.  In order to be Good News in …