A Response to My Article “End Times and Global Immersion”

Matt Laidlaw – one of the pastors at Mars Hill in Grand Rapids, Michigan – brings it in response to my recent article in Immerse Journal titled, “End Times and Global Immersion: Developing a Holistic Understanding of the Eschaton.” It was originally posted on Immerse Journal’s site: Going Deeper Still with Jon Huckins’ “End Times …

My Child, the Marlboro Man and Interdependence

I was lying next to my daughter Ruby as she drank her milk and started to fade to sleep.  She often hums her favorite songs through the garble of milk, but this night she set aside the milk so she could nail every note of her newly assembled tune. To the tune of Twinkle Twinkle …

Missional-Monastic Community: Part 3

In part 1 I discussed the early developments of monasticism that later gave birth to a missional movement that was beautifully embodied in St. Patrick (Part 2).  Today we ask the question, how do we live out the best of both of these movements and daily live life as monastics on mission in our neighborhoods? …

Missional-Monastic Community: Part 2

Yesterday I presented a brief history of the soil which gave birth monasticism (Click to read Part 1).  In short, the monastics chose a life self denial, isolation and rigorous spiritual disciples out of faithful devotion to Jesus.  While the movement often withdrew from society (whether individually or communally) they offered a prophetic call to the low-committment …

Missional-Monastic Community: Part 1

Mission is the work of God that the church simply participates in, not the work of the church that we ask God to bless. Jesus commissioned his disciples to join this mission, and the early church sought to faithfully form faith communities that would embody and advance the missio dei. Two major movements in church …