Christians and Muslims: Shall We Dance?

There is no doubt that the global relationship between Christianity and Islam is strained.  Although both are monotheistic faiths (religions that worship only one God) who share much of their history and family lineage (all the way back to Abraham), there have been many political, cultural and social realities over the years that have driven …

Forming Leaders For Neighborhood Life in the Global Village

The Global Immersion Project from The Global Immersion Project on Vimeo. Those of you that have been following my life and work through this platform have heard of an initiative I co-founded a couple years ago with my friend Jer Swigart called The Global Immersion Project.  After lots of refining, on the ground experience and …

Today (Like Everyday), We Pray For Our Enemies

It is in times and tragedies like those that happened in Boston that our call to pray for our enemies is most difficult.  May we be faithful to pray for them despite our circumstances. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, on all of us, sinners. …

Welcoming Rosie with a Community Blessing

When a new child is born into our community, we have a tradition of taking time to pray blessings over the new life as a way to acknowledge their sacred role not only in the life of our family, but in the life of the community we have entrusted ourselves to.  This is not a …