When a new child is born into our community, we have a tradition of taking time to pray blessings over the new life as a way to acknowledge their sacred role not only in the life of our family, but in the life of the community we have entrusted ourselves to. This is not a new tradition we came up with, but one that stretches back to early parts of our faith tradition. It is a time to acknowledge that as members of the family of God, Janny and I don’t raise little Rosie on our own, but alongside a community of people who are commited to follow Jesus together. Having been part of a community like this for a few years, we have found it to be one of the most important gifts we can give to our children.
Yesterday, among neighbors, family and community mates, we were able to have a time of blessing over our newest little gal, Rosie. With tears filling most of our eyes, prayers of blessing over Rosie were showered out from all corners of the room. It was indeed, a thin place; a place where heaven and earth are only thinly separated. Here is the blessing Janny and I prayed over our newest addition:
Today we celebrate Jesus being resurrected as the 1st of new creation. Gods dream for humanity begin to unfold in the gift of new life.
Rosie, you bring new life not only to your parents and sister, but to this whole community. You are a reflection and reminder of the innocence, purity and reliance humanity is to have on Jesus.
We bless you with not only with family, but with community. We commit to daily offer you the gift of a community of people that are committed to following Jesus together.
We bless your eyes that you may always look not through the lens of ethnicity, nationality or title, but through the lens of a shared humanity who shares the image of God. When others aren’t viewed in this way, we bless you with the courage to stand up for those experiencing oppression and reassign them their dignity.
We bless you with the courage to teach us as we commit to be your students. We except and anticipate the ways you will teach us how to better live, love and lead in a way that honors God and neighbor.
Lastly, we bless you with a committment to stand with you, cry with you and celebrate with you (even through the terrifying years of adolescence).
It is with much joy and sacredness that we anticipate your future, little Rosie Lillian Huckins.