On American Exceptionalism…

This past Sunday, Vice President Pence was invited to speak at First Baptist Church in Dallas for the “Celebrate Freedom Rally” at their Sunday morning services. Pastor Robert Jeffress called the event, “Our annual patriotic service” in which the church celebrates “God’s unique blessings on our country.”  While some may celebrate this display as faithful …

A Liturgy of Dissonance in the Times of COVID-19

As a global family physically distant – yet interdependent – Lord, hear our prayer… We feel the growing dissonance between practicing the social responsibility of distance and the kingdom (kin-dom) value of proximity. “Stay away to keep us all safe!” “Please come close, we have no ‘home’ to go back to!” Which is it? Is …

What I’ll Tell Our Kids About War

As I write this, violence (and rhetoric) is quickly escalating between the United States and Iran (and those caught in their midst). My heart is deeply grieved at what this means for the world, our neighbors and our children. The impact of war is far reaching and I still hold out hope that a strategy …

I’m Hiking the Camino de Santiago: The Very Painful (and Personal) Backstory that Led Me to the Trail Head

I was in the middle of a staff meeting when I felt a surge of cold run up my finger tips as they struck the keys of my computer. The cold then began to pulse through my whole body. I figured it was a mean case of the flu that was kicking in, so I …

Conflicted Allegiance

This past Sunday, our community spent some time wrestling with the implications of “allegiance” in light of the 4th of July holiday. It was good, hard and so, so important.  As followers of Jesus and citizens of a nation-state, we have a dual allegiance to the kingdom of God and to the United States. Reality …