What My Muslim Friend Taught Me About Jesus

Ali is my good friend and one of my hero’s. He has taught me so much. Let me tell you about him. Ali grew up a Shi’ite Muslim in Iran. In an effort to complete his studies as a doctor of neurology, he moved to the United States about three years ago. His whole life …

Travel as Pilgrimage #5: I Saw Osama Bin Laden On A Train

After arriving on the coastal city of Casablanca (north Morocco), Jan and I were anxious to make it to the heart of the North African country.  With signs and voices only offering Arabic, we navigated our way to the train station and three hours later we made it to the bustling city of Marrakech…the heart …

Why God Calls Us To Be Traders

As followers of Jesus, we are called to participate and extend God’s mission in the world. In short, all Christians are called to be missionaries. Maybe not in the traditional “missionary” sense, but we are to be on mission in our workplace, homes, neighborhoods, etc. And, if we are to fully align with God’s mission, …