Christians’ Role in Middle East Unrest

Less than a month from right now, I will be in the land that is at the very center of Middle East unrest. I am not being deployed against my will, but voluntarily stepping into the role of peacemaker as Jesus lived and called his followers to emulate. Going to the Middle East wielding the …

Travel as Pilgrimage #5: I Saw Osama Bin Laden On A Train

After arriving on the coastal city of Casablanca (north Morocco), Jan and I were anxious to make it to the heart of the North African country.  With signs and voices only offering Arabic, we navigated our way to the train station and three hours later we made it to the bustling city of Marrakech…the heart …

Why God Calls Us To Be Traders

As followers of Jesus, we are called to participate and extend God’s mission in the world. In short, all Christians are called to be missionaries. Maybe not in the traditional “missionary” sense, but we are to be on mission in our workplace, homes, neighborhoods, etc. And, if we are to fully align with God’s mission, …

Travel as Pilgrimage #2: Hearty Beards & Interfaith Dialog

My pilgrimage of expanded worldview and renewed eyes for God’s diverse and growing Kingdom takes us to London, England.  If your are just jumping into this series, read my introduction to the Travel as Pilgrimage series. Speaker’s Corner There is a park in the middle of London that has one area designated as “Speaker’s Corner.” …

Travel as Pilgrimage

I recently read a book with an illustration that profoundly resonated with my life experience.  The author (Paul F. Knitter) compares one’s inherited worldview (culture, tradition, geography, etc.) to that of a telescope.  A telescope offers a beautiful and clear view of a few starts in the sky, but it fails to offer such a …