Why God Calls Us To Be Traders

As followers of Jesus, we are called to participate and extend God’s mission in the world. In short, all Christians are called to be missionaries. Maybe not in the traditional “missionary” sense, but we are to be on mission in our workplace, homes, neighborhoods, etc. And, if we are to fully align with God’s mission, we have to call into question other “missions” — reputation, wealth, consumption, corporate ladders, church politics — that may be fighting for our time, energy and allegiance…we have to trade one mission for the mission of God. We are called to be traders.

I struggle with this everyday. Please, enter the struggle with me. When we stop struggling, we have probably agreed to live on a mission counter to God’s.

This video (produced by RightNow.org)  is a brilliant and artful piece that invites us all to become traders.  Check it out…

Published by Jon Huckins

Jon is a speaker, writer and peacemaking trainer who has a Master’s Degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Theology and Christian Ethics. He is currently working on a PhD in Theology and Political Ethics at Vrije University Amsterdam. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Jan, three daughters (Ruby, Rosie & Lou) and one son (Hank) where they co-lead an intentional Christian community seeking to live as a reconciling presence in their neighborhood. The whole family loves to swim and surf any chance they get.

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