Problem to Fix or Opportunity to Embrace? 3 Ways to Care for Unaccompanied Minors

A couple weeks ago, Mexican and USAmerican leaders gathered at Friendship Park – the wall between us – representing millions of Christians throughout Mexico and the United States by offering a prayer on behalf of the 60,000 unaccompanied minors detained on our border. As I stood in this sacred prayer circle that extended across our shared …

A Benediction of Hope

In a world currently enduring so much violence, pain and trauma, it would be easy for us, the People of God, to stick our head in the sand of discouragement. Instead, let’s pray this together: May we daily submit ourselves first and foremost to the rule and reign of Jesus, praying, “Your Kingdom come, your …

(de)Escalating Violence and the Human Story in Israel/Palestine

I was sitting in the airport the other day listening to yet another account of the current events unfolding in Israel and Palestine. Almost mechanically, the lips of the news anchor spilled out words like terrorists, extremist, escalating violence, detention, kidnapping, hatred, protest, etc.  It was as though they were telling a story of some …

My Dad, Grief and Groans of New Creation

I’m sitting in my dad’s hospital room as a write this. Having just endured open-heart surgery, I have never seen or experienced him in this current state. Last night, as my sisters and I stood with him in the ICU singing, praying and telling him stories of his grandchildren, the only form of communication he could muster …

Raising Girls In A World Where They Are Less Than Human

I have two daughters.  They are little spark plugs of utter joy and complete chaos. They make me laugh. They make me cry. They remind me to view the world through child-like wonder. They remind me that I am not what I do, but who I am. They teach me what selfless love actually looks …