Our Obsession with Violence & the Stories You’re Not Supposed to Hear

Upon my recent return from the Middle East (with The Global Immersion Project), I was struck more than ever before at our Western infatuation around military aggression, violence and division. Not only are these the primary narratives we are fed through our major media outlets, they are the narratives we subconsciously embrace through the latest …

Forming Leaders For Neighborhood Life in the Global Village

The Global Immersion Project from The Global Immersion Project on Vimeo. Those of you that have been following my life and work through this platform have heard of an initiative I co-founded a couple years ago with my friend Jer Swigart called The Global Immersion Project.  After lots of refining, on the ground experience and …

Today (Like Everyday), We Pray For Our Enemies

It is in times and tragedies like those that happened in Boston that our call to pray for our enemies is most difficult.  May we be faithful to pray for them despite our circumstances. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, on all of us, sinners. …

How Should Christians Response to the Middle East Crisis?

The editors of Relevant Magazine asked to write a response to this question during the recent violence in Israel & Gaza.  I was especially encouraged by two things: 1. Relevant is inviting its readers to critically engage the Middle East conflict through the lens of Jesus. 2. The overwhelming response and engagement of readers on …

A Prayer for Shalom/Salaam in Time of Conflict

Violence has dominated the past 24 in Israel and Palestine (Specifically in Gaza). I have both Israeli and Palestinian friends who are intimately impacted by this reality. A massive number of both Israeli’s and Palestinians condemn the current military actions and remain committed to choosing the way of peace. As followers of the Prince of …